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Mejora tu Diabetes desde
Cualquier Parte del Mundo

¿Estás fuera de México o Estados Unidos y buscas alternativas para cuidar tu salud? Descubre nuestra Guía de Alimentación para la Microbiota Intestinal, diseñada para ayudarte a:
✔️ Mejorar tus niveles de glucosa.
✔️ Controlar la resistencia a la insulina.
✔️ Incorporar fermentos alternativos que podrás encontrar localmente
(Las sugerencias se adecuan a las necesidades de cada persona).


Contributors to your Well-being

The ferments of Mayahuel, more than an Agave plant, are a legacy of ancestral knowledge. They are part of a healthy lifestyle that includes regular medical care, appropriate medication if necessary, a balanced diet, and exercise. Rich in probiotics and prebiotics, they promote intestinal health and overall well-being.

Explore the Universe Within You with Natural Chiahuiztle

At Chiahuiztle Natural, our passion lies in the incredible microcosm that resides within! We are not just distributors; we've been your guides since 2018 to a hidden world of well-being. Our commitment is to provide you with effective solutions for taking care of your microbiota. Come and discover how you can revitalize your health from the inside out with our fermented foods.

Discover the Products Our Customers Recommend


At Chiahuiztle Natural, we are supported by authentic testimonials from all over Mexico, demonstrating the positive impact of our functional foods. With pride, we have spent over five years contributing to the well-being and continuous health improvement of our customers. These are some of the testimonials sent to us via WhatsApp.

Diabetes, Colesterol y TrigliceridosChiahuiztle
00:00 / 04:20
Diabetes, Riñones y TrombosisChiahuiztle
00:00 / 02:55
Diabetes Parte 1Chiahuiztle
00:00 / 00:36
Diabetes Chiahuiztle
00:00 / 00:46
Diabetes, Retinopatía, DigestiónChiahuiztle
00:00 / 00:48
Reverti el Diabetes, Perdida de pesoChiahuiztle
00:00 / 00:46
Diabetes, Retinopatia parte 1Chiahuiztle
00:00 / 01:16
Diabetes, Retinopatia parte 3Chiahuiztle
00:00 / 00:46
Diabetes, Retinopatia parte 5Chiahuiztle
00:00 / 00:54
Hernia HiatalChiahuiztle
00:00 / 02:49
Diabetes, Riñones y TrombosisChiahuiztle
00:00 / 01:36
Diabetes parte 2Chiahuiztle
00:00 / 00:21
Diabetes y PesoChiahuiztle
00:00 / 00:29
Diabetes, Retinopatía, DigestiónChiahuiztle
00:00 / 00:48
Reverti el Diabetes, VisiónChiahuiztle
00:00 / 00:59
Diabetes, Retinopatia parte 2Chiahuiztle
00:00 / 00:49
Diabetes, Retinopatia parte 4Chiahuiztle
00:00 / 01:28
00:00 / 02:51

Discover the secrets of the intestine
learn ABOUT THE MICROBIOTA & because healthy eating is important 


Laura Lilia Neri

I just started taking  the agave and today when they took my glucose it was at 102, when I was managing it at 140.

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Tere Mendoza 

The best option I found to keep my glucose stable, I have been consuming Agave probiotics for more than a year. Aracely's attention was super good, very friendly and accessible to answer any questions you may have.
I highly recommend it 👌


Víctor Martínez

They detected some lumps in my wife's breast, but they couldn't give her medication because she has kidney problems. the drink and he is better now, he says that the lumps have disappeared and he has had no kidney problems.


Rafael López

To begin with, Mrs. Aracely's attention is accurate and excellent.
Secondly, the product arrived two days after purchasing it.
And third, I felt very good when I started taking the products.
I will keep doing it.
Thanks for everything

If you have diabetes, it is very likely that you also have overgrowth of the fungus candida albicas.

The fungus feeds on glucose, and for this reason, a person with diabetes, overweight, or obesity almost certainly has an overgrowth of this fungus. Furthermore, this fungus, which resides in all human bodies, cannot be completely eliminated. Under normal conditions, this fungus should occupy between 5 and 8% of the intestinal microbiota, but when the Candida albicans fungus becomes overpopulated, it can occupy up to 90% of the microbiota, leading to an imbalance in the body.


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Leave us your questions or testimony about how our products benefited you.

and get special prices.

¡Gracias por tu mensaje!

® Chiahuiztle Natural


Dirección Jalisco:

Pedro Moreno 674

Zona Centro, 44100

Guadalajara, Jal.




Lunes a Sábado de 11 am a 8 pm


Whatsapp: 3317014800

MÉX: 3343485861


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Los productos ofrecidos en Chiahuiztle Natural no están destinados para diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir ninguna enfermedad. Toda la información presentada en este sitio es de carácter informativo y no debe tomarse como un sustituto del consejo médico profesional. Recomendamos que antes de iniciar cualquier programa de suplementos o realizar cambios en tu dieta o estilo de vida, consultes con tu médico o profesional de la salud para recibir el tratamiento adecuado para tus necesidades.

Nuestros suplementos alimenticios están formulados a base de hierbas, extractos vegetales, alimentos tradicionales, y concentrados de frutas, pudiendo estar adicionados de vitaminas o minerales. Estos productos son un apoyo complementario a un plan integral de control que debe incluir ejercicio y una alimentación balanceada, conforme a lo establecido en el artículo 215, fracción V de la Ley General de Salud.

Es importante destacar que estos productos están diseñados para incrementar o complementar la ingesta dietética, pero no sustituyen ningún tratamiento médico. ¡Tu salud siempre es nuestra prioridad!

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